Versão em Português

Virgilio Vasconcelos

Virgilio Vasconcelos' keywords: Fedora; Democracy; Python; Krita; Re:Anima; Perspectivism; Education; Diversity; Ubuntu; Cosmotechnics; Jacques Derrida; Michel Foucault; David Graeber; Digital Arts; Heterotopias; Ailton Krenak; Animation; OpenToonz; Remix; Bernard Stiegler; Open Access; Privacy; Decolonial thinking; UFMG; Digital Animation; Art; Paulo Freire; Gilles Deleuze; Technics; Pierre Bourdieu; Noam Chomsky; Blender; GNU/Linux; Free Software; Research; Debian; LUCA School of Arts; Copyleft; Donna Haraway; Rigging; Punk Rock; Gilbert Simondon; Re-existence.


I'm an Animation Professor at LUCA School of Arts, campus C-mine in Genk, Belgium. I teach at the Re:Anima Joint Master in Animation and I'm a senior researcher at the Inter-Actions Research Unit. My research interests include philosophy of Technics, power relations inscribed in and reinforced by technical objects, and decolonial perspectives in animation. Previously, I was an Animation Professor at Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), in Brazil. MFA and PhD by the Graduate Program in Arts at EBA/UFMG. I'm also a free software advocate, animator, rigger and I also like to code. You can see some of my works and know a bit more about me at:

ORCID LUCA School of Arts/KU Leuven LinkedIn YouTube

Blender Animation Book

I've written a book about Rigging and Animation in Blender for Packt Publishing. You can get the files here.

Old Blog

Yes, I had a blog. Haven't updated it since 2011. Anyway, if you need something from there I have kept backwards compatibility and you can read it below.

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2010-Nov-10: F and B

Hand still broken. Posts still short. ;) Saw at Victor Navone's blog about the McGurk Effect, and how it matters for lip syncing:

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